Description: We are encountering an issue when attempting to send emails using the postConversationsEmailMessages API endpoint in Genesys Cloud. The error received is: Replies must have a to address.
Steps to Reproduce:
Initialize the platform client and log in using the Implicit Grant flow.
Extract customer and agent details from the conversation.
Translate the agent's message to the customer's language.
Attempt to send the translated message via the postConversationsEmailMessages API endpoint.
Copy code
[sendMessage] Sending email with details:
body: 'Test erhalten',
fromAddress: '',
toAddresses: [{ email: '', name: 'Abrie Fleming' }],
subject: 'test 20',
textBody: 'Test erhalten'
[sendMessage] Error sending agent message:
message: 'Replies must have a to address',
code: '',
status: 400,
messageWithParams: 'Replies must have a to address',
messageParams: {},
The toAddresses field is correctly formatted and includes both email and name.
The error persists despite the correct format.
Steps Taken:
Verified that the toAddresses array is correctly populated with objects containing email and name.
Ensured the user making the API call is an active participant in the conversation and has the necessary permissions.
Reviewed Genesys Cloud API documentation to ensure compliance with requirements.
Request: Please provide guidance on resolving the Replies must have a to address error. Any insights into additional requirements for the postConversationsEmailMessages API or verification steps would be greatly appreciated.
I am calling the postConversationsEmailMessages method in the Platform API Java SDK here is my function
async function sendMessage() {
const messageInput = document.getElementById('message-textarea');
if (!messageInput) {
console.error('Message input element not found.');
const messageText = messageInput.value.trim();
if (!messageText) {
// Clear the input field
messageInput.value = '';
try {
// Translate the agent's message
const response = await translate.translateText(messageText, genesysCloudLanguage, customerLanguage, currentConversationId);
const translatedText = response.translatedText;
// Save the original and translated messages to the database
await translate.saveTranslationHistory(currentConversationId, messageText, translatedText,;
// Add the untranslated message to the chat for the agent
addMessage(messageText, 'agent');
// Ensure customerEmail and customerName are correctly set
if (!customerEmail || !customerName) {
console.error('Customer email or name is not set. Cannot send the email.');
// Log email details before sending
console.log('[sendMessage] Sending email with details:', {
body: translatedText,
fromAddress: agentEmail,
toAddresses: [{ email: customerEmail, name: customerName }],
subject: subject,
textBody: translatedText
// Send the translated message as an email response via Genesys
const emailDetails = {
body: translatedText,
fromAddress: agentEmail,
toAddresses: [{ email: customerEmail, name: customerName }],
subject: subject,
textBody: translatedText
// Log the entire email details object
console.log('[sendMessage] Sending email with details:', emailDetails);
// Ensure the user making the API call is an active participant in the conversation
const sendEmailResponse = await conversationsApi.postConversationsEmailMessages(currentConversationId, emailDetails);
console.log('[sendMessage] Email response sent via Genesys:', sendEmailResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error('[sendMessage] Error sending agent message:', error);
// Additional error details
if (error && error.response && error.response.body) {
console.error('Error details:', error.response.body);