Web Messaging - Display Customer Name in Predictive Engagement instead of Unknown and link to External Contacts/Customer Journey


I'm trying to find a way to get Web Messenger (guest/unauthenticated) working the same way as Web Chat with Predictive Engagement where it shows the Customer Name instead of Unknown in the Live view and also links the interaction to the External Contact and Customer Journey.

In Web Chat we can easily present the customer with a native form before Web Chat starts. The customer can enter Name, email etc. and these values are then automatically checked by Genesys against External Contacts, shown in Predictive Engagement Live view, Customer Journey etc.

The way Web Chat approached this is so simple and effective that it doesn't require any custom development or use of additional API's and most importantly it doesn't require users to Authenticate. The Authenticate option is only feasible for a small subset of client needs where they want to assist their existing customers. The majority of our clients need an unauthenticated way of identifying customer Web Messenger sessions and showing them within Genesys Cloud for reporting across the whole system, like Web Chat.

We're trying to get all new clients to use Web Messenger deployments because Web Chat is no longer developed and all new features that customers want are in Web Messenger.

Is there a way to simply ask the customer for a name and email using Web Messenger and have Genesys Cloud check the External Contacts, if a match is found, then show the name in the Predictive Engagement Live view and Customer Journey, instead of showing UNKNOWN?

It makes selling Predictive Engagement to customers really hard, because the first comment they have is, we see all the data of Unknown sessions, why can't we capture and see the names of people for these sessions? The Authenticated Web Messenger is an option that offers this, but it's only limited to a specific scenario where the customers have an account and are logged in. In most cases, they don't have accounts and they aren't logged in. The majority of the client Webpage traffic is unauthenticated leads that they want to cater for and offer a Bot or live chat with Agent. Not having the option to cater for this is really limiting. Is there any way to achieve this?

I have been looking at all possible resources on the Genesys help pages and found a few articles with contradicting information. Now, I'm not sure if this is outdated documentation, or if there's no way to get a name into Genesys Cloud using Web Messenger and show it in Predictive Engagement Live view.

I first found the documentation describing Web Session Events, that exactly calls out our issue with Predictive Engagement showing UNKNOWN in the session card.

How we verify contacts on your website

If you deployed the tracking snippet
to your website and you use the Journey JavaScript SDK
(Get started - Genesys Documentation)
to capture a customer’s personal data while they are on your website, it’s possible for us to identify them.

If we are unable to verify that the customer has a corresponding customer record, the customer’s name appears as “Unknown” in the session card.

Problem is that the Tracking Snippet and Journey Javascript SDK links provided in the article say they are only used for Web Chat deployment.

I then found that there is a Messenger Javascript SDK

In the Developer article describing the Messenger Javascript SDK it says that it supports Journey Plugin, which has Journey.FormsTrack option to submit forms that capture data from the visitor when they submit it.

The Journey.FormsTrack option then includes the option of traitsMapper


The following example code shows how to set FirstName LastName and use it to link customer records.

Command with additional command data
Genesys("command", "Journey.formsTrack", {

  • selector: "#registration-form",*
  • formName: "user registration",*
  • captureFormDataOnAbandon: true,*
  • customAttributes: { isVip: true },*
  • traitsMapper: [*
    *** { fieldName: "firstName", traitName: "givenName" },***
    *** { fieldName: "lastName", traitName: "familyName" }***
  • ]*

But when I go to the traitsMapper article it shows that it's again only usable for WebChat. Is this correct or outdated documentation?


This article only applies to customers using web chat. If you are a Genesys Cloud CX customer, we encourage you to use the new web messaging feature to replace web chat.

Can the TraitsMapper be used in the Messenger Javascript SDK with the Journey Plugin?
Would this approach allow us to get a name and email from the customer, where the website would pop a custom form asking them to enter customer details before the Web Messenger session starts? It would then pass the customer information using Messenger SDK to Genesys when it opens the Web Messenger session.

From the description, it seems like the solution we are so desperately missing from Web Messenger, allowing Unauthenticated customers to enter their name, pass it to Genesys Cloud that populates it across all of the system parts like Predictive Engagement, External contacts, Customer Journey and chat with Agents or Bot.

About traits mapping

Traits are properties, such as a customer's email address or phone number. Genesys Predictive Engagement gathers customer traits every time a customer visits a website that you track with the Genesys Predictive Engagement tracking snippet. It's possible to have multiple customer records for the same person. For example, when a customer visits your website multiple times and uses a different browser each time. Because Genesys Predictive Engagement creates a separate record for each instance, the separate customer records may contain only a subset of all the available customer traits. You can map the traits that the separate customer records contain to link the records. Then, you can see the complete customer information in Live Now.

In another Developer article describing Digital Messaging Recipient Identifiers, I can see that there is no Name or Email identifier for an Unauthenticated Web Messenger session, but there are identifiers such as Name and Email for Open Messaging. Would that work for our needs to show customer names in Predictive Engagement and other Genesys Cloud parts?

I have read through exactly the same issue in another developer forum post. The proposed solution of merging Ephemeral Contact with Curated Contact using the new "Merge" API (/api/v2/externalcontacts/merge/contacts) is exactly what we need (hats off to the engineer for finding it), but the limit of 25 merges makes it unsuitable for a production environment, where a customer might contact a company from 26 or more different devices, multiple incognito sessions over the lifetime of their communication with the company.

Is there any solution now or in development where unauthenticated Web Messenger deployment will be able to get a customer name and email and send it to Genesys Cloud that would then link it with External Contacts, Customer Journey and Predictive Engagement, as it does for Web Chat? We need to somehow have a way to link Unauthenticated Web Messenger sessions to a "real customer" rather than UNKNOWN.

Thank you,


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