Web Messaging - Message recieved event


I am thinking to customize the chats messages in frontend coming from genesys message recieve event.

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to trace or get the messages from the genesys to frontend?

Hi. Can you clarify a bit better the use-case?

We need detect the messages coming from genesys in frontend console logs

Hello. You can enable console logging as documented here.
If you just want to see the messages in developer tools, you need to access the WSS session from where you can see individual messages being exchanged (see screenshot from Chrome).

The available Commands & Events from Messenger JavaScript are documented here: would need to better understand the use-case for wanting message received event.

Hi, just want to know if there is event listner for message recieved in Web messaging. Because in Webchat there is a listener to track the messages in frontend

plugin.subscribe("WebChatService.messageReceived", function (e) {


For now it's not available with Messenger.
We'll evaluate for future, based on customer use-cases.

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