Web Messenger SDK - Xcode 15.3 compatability + support for SPM package

We’ve migrated away from Cocoapods to SPM and have been following the documentation for setting up the SDK using the SPM wrapper (https://developer.genesys.cloud/commdigital/digital/webmessaging/messenger-mobile-sdk/swift-package-manager). Are there any plans to release an SPM package soon, instead of having to set up a wrapper? The issue with that approach is that it’s a manual process to maintain the versioning, and there’s no way for us to know of an update until after we run into a problem.

When using the latest Xcode version (15.3), we're getting a build error due to a compiler version mismatch. This also occurs with the most recent SDK version 1.8.1, which is currently a blocker. How long does it usually take to update the SDK to support the latest Xcode version, and is there an ETA for 15.3? We've also tried using the previous Xcode (15.2) to explore the API in the meantime, but encountered a different build error related to MessengerTransport.Configuration.

Hi John,

Thanks for raising this issues.

As for the XCode15 issue that you are seeing:
We have a task in our backlog to support the latest XCode version. I am going to request our PM to prioritize this work to be accomplished as part of the upcoming release.

Right now, we do support XCode 14.x.x

We also have a ticket to support SPM, but it also needs prioritization.

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Thanks Anton! What's the timing for the upcoming release, if you're able to get the Xcode latest version support prioritized?

We do not have exact date yet, but I expect to release in late May/early June.

I am checking if we can do a hotfix release for you with XCode 15 support sooner.

@Anton_Afanasiev any updates on whether you'll be able to do a hotfix release for Xcode 15 support and potential timing of a hotfix?

Alternatively/additionally, would you be able to enable library evolution in the SDK so that we can avoid compatibility issues and build with newer versions of Xcode, even if the SDK is compiled with an older version of Xcode?

Hi Josh, sorry for late reply, I was OoO.

I am actively working on this hotfix. I assume it should be available in the next sprint (about 2 weeks in the worst-case scenario).
Do you use the headless TransportSDK directly or do you use the MobileMessengerSDK?

Regarding library evolution, I will have to investigate it a little further to give you a clear answer, but at first glance it is definitely a direction we want to head in.

Thanks for the update. We're planning to use Mobile Messenger SDK.

I need to check with our MobileMessenger team about their availability to release the version once we have the fix on Transport SDK side.

Will keep you posted once I have the estimates.

@Anton_Afanasiev Any updates on timing of your hotfix on the Transport SDK? And subsequently potential timing for the MobileMessenger team to release a hotfix for the MobileMessenger SDK? Even a rough estimate would be helpful so we can assess impacts to our implementation timeline and evaluate fallback options depending on timing of hotfix availability.

Hi @John_Eischens.

Today I released a Transport SDK version which contains the fix to an XCode 15 issue we were talking about.

MobileMessenger have to update the Transport dependency on their end and release it with their next scheduled release. Which is currently planned for June 6.

Thanks @Anton_Afanasiev! Any chance the MobileMessenger team would be able to release the Transport dependency change in a hotfix before June 6th?

We can release an rc version sooner (I am talking about next week), but I want to make sure that you are ok with getting an rc version for now until it is officially released on June 6.

Yeah we're ok with an RC version for now so that we can start development. However we won't be able to launch until library evolution is enabled in the MobileMessenger SDK. Without library evolution, the delay in MobileMessenger SDK upgrading to new versions of XCode as they become available would prevent us from being to upgrade to new versions of XCode in the future in our app.

Do you have any update on if/when library evolution will be enabled for MobileMessenger SDK?

We are going to have an investigation about library evolution this sprint. Will keep you posted.
cc: @Eliza_Koren

What's the timing for your current sprint? Is the investigation more of a scoping effort with a goal of implementing in a subsequent sprint or is there still uncertainty about if implementing library evolution will be prioritized soon?

There is uncertainty about implementation efforts. If we find that effort is small and do not require major refactor on our code we will prioritize it ASAP, but if we discover that there is medium to major effort we will have to check with our roadmap to see where we can squeeze this work.

Hope it does make sense to you.