Webchat on a Drupal site not working

Hi guys, I have a customer that is having problems adding the WebChat code to their website which is based on Drupal.

The errors we are seeing in the console are:
GET https://website/webchat.min.js
The resource from "https://website/webchat.min.js" was blocked due to MIME type ("text/html") mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff)

I am sure this has something to do with Drupal, since usually I have no problems with chat setup, so this is a new one for me.

I have tried googling this particular issue, and it usually points to the file not being found on the server, but as far as I know, it does not have to exist on the server. At least not in my dev, where I just use a simple HTML, I don't see this problem.

Any pointers in the right direction are much appreciated.

That's a file from your website, right? I would contact the administrator of your website to investigate why it's serving that file that way.

The script for Genesys Cloud Web Chat is loaded from a location like https://apps.mypurecloud.com/widgets/9.0/cxbus.min.js, depending on your region. This file has a content type of text/javascript. More information about adding the script to your site can be found in the WebChat docs

Thanks Tim,

No this file is not a part of the website as far as I know, it is something being called by the initial script you referenced. According to Genesys documentation this file is indeed used in the Webchat. It is being lazy loaded, if I understand correctly, and my guess I tries to fetch these files, and then use them but is unable to. Probably due to some file permissions on the website. But I can't say for sure, so I decided to check in with you guys, if this was something known. I have not see this happen before, and I have done a few chat implementations.

When I place exactly the same code in a simple HTML, the chat just works. So my suspicion is that Drupal is somehow doing something wrong.

Can you provide the actual full URL, unmodified? If this is the actual URL, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate.

Yes I have this link

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