I am sure this has something to do with Drupal, since usually I have no problems with chat setup, so this is a new one for me.
I have tried googling this particular issue, and it usually points to the file not being found on the server, but as far as I know, it does not have to exist on the server. At least not in my dev, where I just use a simple HTML, I don't see this problem.
Any pointers in the right direction are much appreciated.
That's a file from your website, right? I would contact the administrator of your website to investigate why it's serving that file that way.
The script for Genesys Cloud Web Chat is loaded from a location like https://apps.mypurecloud.com/widgets/9.0/cxbus.min.js, depending on your region. This file has a content type of text/javascript. More information about adding the script to your site can be found in the WebChat docs
No this file is not a part of the website as far as I know, it is something being called by the initial script you referenced. According to Genesys documentation this file is indeed used in the Webchat. It is being lazy loaded, if I understand correctly, and my guess I tries to fetch these files, and then use them but is unable to. Probably due to some file permissions on the website. But I can't say for sure, so I decided to check in with you guys, if this was something known. I have not see this happen before, and I have done a few chat implementations.
When I place exactly the same code in a simple HTML, the chat just works. So my suspicion is that Drupal is somehow doing something wrong.