WFM Historical Adherence Data Query

Is WFM Historical Adherence Data calculated every time when ever we send a request based on Adherence configuration configured currently.
Is the data not stored daily ?

Correct, historical adherence data is always calculated on demand. When the request is received we gather schedule data, the adherence configuration, and also the historical presence and routing status data and calculate adherence.

But coming to business perspective if we use it for payroll purpose. Suppose consider the data is related to March 2024 and Adherence settings was updated on Nov 2024. Today If i retrieve data related to March 2024 to Nov 2024. It doesn't make any business value because the payroll team would have already processed their salary on April 2024 based on March 2024 data with the data retrieved on April 2024.
Could you let me know how on demand calculations help in this scenario.

I can't speak as to why it was designed this way originally because I wasn't involved then. I do know that some supervisors will make modifications to schedules or settings to retroactively delete exceptions since we do not yet support any direct form of exception forgiveness. If you require a strict calculated daily historical adherence that is based on the configurations at the time instead of query time configurations, you can always submit that as an idea, I do believe other customers have brought this up before and the more support for an idea the more likely it will be picked up.

Sure @Dan_Hoffman will add an idea and respond back.

I think instead of on demand calculations it should be run by some process daily related to past 2days with the configurations at that time and save the data in database tables or datalake. Whenever we send a api request it should read data from that database tables or datalake which would reduce the intensive microserrvices consumed to return the data ondemand.

Created an idea.

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