WFM Longterm forecast modified data

We have our own .NET SDK app, that gets data from WFM forecasts. All works fine, but when longterm forecast Offered values are manually modified from Genesys UI and certain planning group, they are not all shown in API response. Genesys UI shows modified values ok. We use API request:
GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/businessunits/{businessUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts/{forecastId}/longtermforecastdata

Instructions (API Explorer - say:
"Get the result of a long term forecast calculation. Includes modifications unless you pass the doNotApplyModifications query parameter"

We have not modified doNotApplyModifications value, so it should be false... I also tried that call directly from API Explorer and from Postman with doNotApplyModifications=false parameter added. Still all modified values are not in response.

However, I can get the modified values with API request:
GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/businessunits/{businessUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts/{forecastId}
with expand=planningGroups parameter.

Have we misunderstood something or is this a bug, feature etc.?

If it's not behaving as explicitly documented I'd skip the forum and go straight to a customer care case because they're the only ones who can look at your instance, confirm what you're seeing, and pass it to the appropriate team for resolution.

Thanks for reply. The custom care already has open case with this. The idea was to ask in case someone else here had come across a similar problem.

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