WFM Schedules Modified by GUID "System"

For the first time in my org's history in Workforce Management, we had a schedule where Modified="System" where I would normally expect a user GUID. This raises a few questions:

  1. Under what scenarios would a schedule be modified by the System user instead of the user that initiated the change to the schedule?
  2. Besides agent schedules, what other objects are subject to creation and/or modification by the System user (e.g. forecasts)?
  3. Besides, System, are there any other possible users with an identifier that is not a GUID or are not retrievable by /api/v2/users?

"System" is used when an object is changed without a direct action from a user. For example, when a shift trade is matched and the schedule is updated to reflect the trade, we mark the schedule as updated by "System”.

We can't provide a definitive list, and even if we could it would likely grow over time, but for example forecasts should not be able to be updated by “System”. Another example is a shift trade that is automatically approved will have it’s reviewedBy set to “System”.

“System” is the only one we use that won’t tie to a user.

The Genesys UI has shared user handling code on our side, such that whenever we try to translate a userId to a name, we will first check if the value == “System" and if so, return that directly. I recommend our API users do so as well, because it’s possible that new features will introduce new cases where “System” can be returned.

Is there any resource that would have pointed me towards the answer in #3 instead of having to ask? I find that I uncover best practices in a fairly ad-hoc manner and only as these types of eccentricities cause issues in my application. Far more than just about any other data source my org touches, I live in constant fear that my morning is going to be ruined by the random exception Genesys throws into what otherwise seemed like a straightforward relationship between objects.

There is not currently. I opened an internal ticket to add a note to the documentation of the metadata.modifiedBy property that "System" is a possible value

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