What is the difference between web messenger plugin and chat widget?

Web message plugin:

I use this script to load the plugin:
(function(g, e, n, es, ys) {
g['_genesysJs'] = e;
g[e] = g[e] || function() {
(g[e].q = g[e].q || []).push(arguments)
g[e].t = 1 * new Date();
g[e].c = es;
ys = document.createElement('script');
ys.async = 1;
ys.src = n;
ys.charset = 'utf-8';
})(window, 'Genesys', '${genesysScriptUrl}', {
environment: '${environment}',
deploymentId: '${deploymentId}',
debug: false });

WebChat Widget:

How to choose between chat widget and message plugin? I am using authenticated message. Does it mean I can only use message plugin?

Hi @shenxin
Here's a feature comparison between the two

Chat has a 15 inactivity timeout, whereas messenger has no inactivity timeout. Messenger is used with an inbound message flow while Chat can use an inbound chat flow or be associated directly with a queue. Messenger supports file attachments up to 10 mb and predictive routing support while chat does not. Both support predictive engagement. Among others.

I think your decision here either way needs to be going with web messaging. The chat widgets are gradually becoming deprecated and any new development focus is on the messaging sdk.