When using RecordingApi.GetConversationRecordings(), it returns a List of Recording and each has a dictionary of MediaResult containing a MediaUri -- So far I have only ever seen one media URI returned, under what scenario can I expect to see multiple media URIs ?
(I have tried a customer-agent call in one division where agent1 then transfers to a queue in a different division and agent 2 answers, due to differing division permissions I thought I would see multiple media URis but I still had only one media URI?)
I think Trunk dual-channel will cause this but other than that configuration, can someone clarify please what other scenario/s will mean multiple recording media URIs ?
You get multiple recording URIs if there are multiple recordings. There will be multiple recordings if you have enabled dual channel recording or if your recording rules are configured in such a way that the activity of the conversation created multiple recordings. If you're unsure why a particular conversation has multiple recordings and comparing your recording rules with the conversation's details doesn't explain it, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate as we do not have access to your org's data to investigate specific details like that.
Hi Tim, many thanks for the prompt reply. You said "or if your recording rules are configured in such a way that the activity of the conversation created multiple recordings" - Can you describe an example recording rule configuration that would result in multiple recordings please ?
I'm not entirely sure; general configuration questions are best suited for the Genesys Cloud Community Forum. The concept would be for a rule to start a recording, the recording ends but the conversation doesn't, and another rule starts another recording later on. I think emails work like this, in that each email is recorded individually. (I think that's correct, I haven't verified)
If enabled to record consultation calls (Trunk level), these (consultation legs) would create additional recordings in the conversation.
I think that calls transferred to an external destination (with Trunk configured not to record external) and then transferred back (Release/SIP Refer) to Genesys Cloud would also cause additional recording.