WhatsApp ChatBot

We are trying to create a WhatsApp digital chatbot using Genesys Cloud. As we are using a digital menu, It doesn't show more than three buttons on WhatsApp. When they are three buttons or less, they appear; more than three buttons, nothing appears. So, what is the problem?


I assume you may be using quick replies or cards for your "digital menu".
Both quick replies and cards are limited to

Quick Replies - see "Quick replies and WhatsApp Messenger" section: WhatsApp supports three quick replies or less. If you configure more than three quick replies, then the message appears as a list.

Cards - see "Cards and WhatsApp Messenger" section: * WhatsApp supports up to three buttons with cards. If you configure more than three buttons, an error occurs.*


Okay I tried to make the options using intents, but I'm still needed to show this message as a bottom as you can see in the picture. How can I do it? Is it possible?

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-24 at 11.32.48

As mentioned, WhatsApp automatically decides if there are more than 3 buttons it cretes a list. We cannot change this. Also, a button cannot have more than 20 characters in the label (Digital Menu buttons or slot values) or it won't display any of them. This is a limitation of the WhatsApp app and not something we can change. Meta made this decision.

I need a way to know how to show the main menu option as a button, as shown in the picture.
Please, I need to know how I can show the options and the button exactly like the picture.

As mentioned by @msassoon & @Jerome.Saint-Marc This is a limitation from WhatsApp and cannot be controlled by Genesys

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