Where is the documentation on topics?

This page https://developer.genesys.cloud/notificationsalerts/notifications/available-topics

Lists the available topics, but I'm looking for better documentation on "when" these fire, very specifically.

For example

Does this fire when the caller leaves a queue, if so, does it fire if they abandon AND when an agent picks up a call from that queue? Does it fire when the call ends? Literally no info on it in the docs that I can find.

The analytics events are documented here: https://developer.genesys.cloud/analyticsdatamanagement/analytics/detail/analytics-detail-events. The topic you mentioned specifically is documented as the AcdEndEvent, which is documented at the link above as "The AcdEndEvent gets emitted when an ACD session ends. It may get emitted multiple times if the outcome (i.e. answered, abandoned, flow out) can not be immediately determined."

"when an ACD session ends" is still vague to me. Is that when call leaves ACD (queue), or when the conversation entirely ends (both agent and customer are disconnected)?

In PureConnect, we had an integration point for when an interaction fully ended, and I'm just trying to roughly replicate that timing for this logic. I don't want the event to trigger logic too early, because it can cause race conditions with CRM data edits they may be doing.

The language of the description is precise. An ACD conversation will have an ACD participant representing the conversation's time queuing for ACD assignment. When that participant's segment ends, this event is emitted. If you look at the analytics data for an ACD routed conversation, you'll see this ACD participant and it will have an end date timestamp on it; that is what this event is related to.

You might consider v2.detail.events.conversation.{id}.customer.end, "The CustomerEndEvent gets emitted when a customer session ends." This would be similar to event you were asking about, but instead of the ACD participant, this event is raised when the customer participant's session ends, i.e. when they left the conversation.

There is not a specific analytics detail event for when the entire conversation ends, but that doesn't prevent you from getting an event at that time. The rest of the normal conversation events fire for every change, so all you need to do is monitor those raw events and identify when the specific condition you're looking for has occurred. In your case, that would be when the conversation end wasn't set for a conversation but then was set in an event.

Thanks, yeah, I was initially looking at both acd.end and customer.end, but agree with the rationale for choosing the latter for this use case.

Much appreciated!

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