Why isn't there a PUT for /routinglanguages/bulk

For Routing Skills, there is both a PATCH and a PUT for bulk action. The PUT is very helpful if you just need to reskill an agent quickly. You don't have to remove/add skills. you can just PUT with a body preset for a specific thing and away you go. (/api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/bulk)

Why isn't there the same thing for Routing Languages? I see a PATCH to add languages in bulk and the POST/DELETE for single languages, but no PUT. (/api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages/bulk)

I'm asking here first to see if maybe there was a good reason for PUT not being created before submitting to the Idea Lab.

Hi @DeeQ
You can request this feature in the Ideas Portal

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Already did sir. :slight_smile:


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