Wrapupcodemappings - Showing changes in plan with no config change

Hi Team,

We have observing one issue where plan is showing changes when no actual changes are made, even after successful execution of apply, these changes are still showing same information. You can observe same information is being removed and added back in mappings.

Plan Output:

resource "genesyscloud_outbound_wrapupcodemappings" "wrapupcodemappings" {
  - mappings {
      - flags          = [
          - "Flag1",
          - "Flag2",
          - "Flag3",
        ] -> null
      - wrapup_code_id = "xx_ID_1_xx" -> null
  + mappings {
      + flags          = [
          - "Flag1",
          - "Flag2",
          - "Flag3",
      + wrapup_code_id = "xx_ID_1_xx"

Can you check this issue and why TF is showing these changes?

Rohit S

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