This is a really important message about something. It could be about anything we deem important enough to tell everyone. It might have links to places, but shouldn't have any images or non-text content. Messages shouldn't be longer than two lines on normal sized layouts.
Genesys Cloud Developer CenterGenesys Cloud Developer Center
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UI and DOM manipulation

The Genesys Cloud user interface and its underlying HTML DOM (Document Object Model) definitions are not considered a contract and are not subject Genesys Cloud change management policies. DOM manipulation is not supported, and we reserve the right to change our HTML structure at any time, for any reason, without notice. This is a capability that we need in order to engage in the ongoing development and maintenance of the Embedded Clients. Our HTML structure is not a contract, nor is it publicly documented, and is not subject to any of our change management policies requiring advance notice.

We highly recommend that any developers utilizing DOM manipulation with the Genesys Cloud UI review their approach and make whatever changes are necessary to avoid potential impacts. If there are features you find are not available in the Embeddable Framework or any of the Genesys Cloud front end SDKs that require you to engage in DOM manipulation to provide them, we highly encourage you to engage with us through the Ideas portal to make a request for those features/capabilities.

For guidance on building and integrating UI components into Genesys Cloud, please take a look at the following resources:

  1. UI Integration Guide
  2. JavaScript SDK Page
  3. Embeddable Framework Documentation
  4. Chat Translation Blueprint demonstrating an embeddable application