This is a really important message about something. It could be about anything we deem important enough to tell everyone. It might have links to places, but shouldn't have any images or non-text content. Messages shouldn't be longer than two lines on normal sized layouts.
Genesys Cloud Developer CenterGenesys Cloud Developer Center
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iframe URLs

The following table lists the relevant src attributes to use in the development and deployment of both private and public Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework integrations. For more information about using the iframe URLs, see How to get started with a private deployment and How to get started with a public deployment.

Deployment options


iframe URL


Private or public


For private deployments, add the query string parameter dedicatedLoginWindow=true. For more information, see dedicatedLoginWindow on the settings page.



For private deployments, add the query string parameter dedicatedLoginWindow=true. For more information, see dedicatedLoginWindow on the settings page.<br><br>If you implement clientIds to access getAuthToken, add the optional query string parameter ?enableFrameworkClientId=true.


Deployment{your app name}/index.html