Upload Contact Lists
After creating a contact list using the POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlists API, records can be uploaded to the list by importing CSV files.
File Import
Importing a CSV file is done by making a POST request to url https://apps.mypurecloud.com/uploads/v2/contactlist The domain name of the url should be the same as the one you use when using the Genesys Cloud app (e.g., apps.mypurecloud.com.au, if you're based in Australia).
The request headers should include the Authorization header with the same bearer token that you would use to make other API requests. The body of the POST should be a form encoded value with the following details:
Form Field | Value |
id | Id of your contact list to upload to |
file | binary file data |
fileType | contactlist |
contact-id-name | The column name from your file to use as the contact id. |