Observation activity query endpoints
Observation activity queries show the current state of a queue, user, flow or team. The query syntax is similar to the existing queue and user observation endpoints but allows more flexible filtering.
Query endpoints
We currently offer the following activity query endpoints:
- /api/v2/analytics/conversations/activity/query: Query for ongoing (oInteracting) and waiting (oWaiting) queue interactions
- /api/v2/analytics/flows/activity/query: Query for ongoing flows (oFlow)
- /api/v2/analytics/users/activity/query: Query for ongoing user queue membership (oMemberQueues, oActiveQueues)
- /api/v2/analytics/routing/activity/query: Query for users in a queue (oMemberUsers, oActiveUsers) and their current presence ( oOnQueueUsers, oUserPresences) and routing statuses (oUserRoutingStatuses, oOffQueueUsers)
- /api/v2/analytics/teams/activity/query: Query for users in a teams current presence ( oTeamOnQueueUsers, oTeamPresences) and routing statuses (oTeamRoutingStatuses, oTeamOffQueueUsers)
Query syntax
All query endpoints support the same query syntax.
Example query:
"metrics": [{
"name": "oUserRoutingStatuses",
"details": true
"name": "oUserPresences"
"groupBy": ["queueId"],
"filter": {
"type": "and",
"clauses": [{
"type": "and",
"predicates": [{
"dimension": "queueId",
"value": "b8626ee0-c21d-4895-bc43-15262f356fdc"
"dimension": "routingStatus",
"value": "INTERACTING"
"order": "asc"
Query filtering and grouping
Query filtering works the same way as for the existing observation endpoints - only with much more flexibility. Any dimension that is included in the data can be used for filtering, e.g. routingStatus or userId for routing activity. Results are grouped based on the specified groupBy. All endpoints require at least on group-by. A routing query must include a grouping by queueId and a users query must include a grouping by userId.
Metrics have to be specified or the query will be rejected. You can optionally request metric details which will add a section with matching entities to the query response. If you request details, these will be paged with a default page size of 50 and a maximum page size of 100. Page size and page number can be specified via the optional path parameters pageSize and pageNumber. The ordering can be changed by setting order to asc for ascending (default) by timestamp and desc for descending.
Example response
"results": [{
"group": {
"queueId": "b8626ee0-c21d-4895-bc43-15262f356fdc"
"data": [{
"metric": "oUserRoutingStatuses",
"qualifier": "INTERACTING",
"entityIds": [
"count": 1
"metric": "oUserPresences",
"qualifier": "ccf3c10a-aa2c-4845-8e8d-f59fa48c58e5",
"secondaryQualifier": "ON_QUEUE",
"count": 1
"truncated": false,
"entities": [{
"activityDate": "2020-08-19T19:25:35.927Z",
"systemPresence": "ON_QUEUE",
"presenceDate": "2020-08-19T19:25:35.927Z",
"queueMembershipStatus": "active",
"organizationPresenceId": "ccf3c10a-aa2c-4845-8e8d-f59fa48c58e5",
"routingStatus": "INTERACTING",
"userId": "1111c4c8-4985-4f15-8541-9d20b6bc1111",
"routingStatusDate": "2020-08-19T19:08:57.040Z"
"entityIdDimension": "userId"
If metric details are requested, the metric data will include a list of entitiyIds that link to the included entity details. The entity id dimension depends on the endpoint and is included in the query result under entityIdDimension.
Furthermore, routing status metrics (oUserRoutingStatuses, oOffQueueUsers) include the routing status as a metric qualifier. Presence metrics (oOnQueueUsers, oUserPresences) include the organization presence id as a qualifier and the system presence as a secondaryQualifier.
Supported dimensions
Conversation Activity Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
activeRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Active routing method. | ✔ |
addressFrom | String | The address that initiated an action. | |
addressTo | String | The address receiving an action. | |
agentScore | Integer | Assigned agent score for this conversation (0 - 100, higher being better). | |
ani | String | Automatic Number Identification (caller's number). | |
conversationId | UUID | Unique identifier for the conversation. | |
convertedFrom | String | Session media type that was converted from in case of a media type conversion. | |
convertedTo | String | Session media type that was converted to in case of a media type conversion. | |
direction | Enum (inbound, outbound) | The direction of the communication. | |
dnis | String | Dialed number identification service (number dialed by the calling party). | |
mediaType | Enum (callback, chat, cobrowse, email, internalmessage, message, screenshare, unknown, video, voice) | The session media type. | |
participantName | String | A human readable name identifying the participant. | |
queueId | UUID | Queue identifier. | |
requestedLanguageId | UUID | Unique identifier for the language requested for an interaction. | |
requestedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Routing type(s) for requested/attempted routing methods. | |
requestedRoutingSkillId | UUID | Unique identifier(s) for skill(s) requested for an interaction. | |
routingPriority | Long | Routing priority for the current interaction. | |
scoredAgentId | UUID | Unique identifier for the agent that was scored for this conversation. | |
sessionId | UUID | The unique identifier of this session. | |
teamId | UUID | The team ID the user is a member of. | |
usedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Complete routing method. | |
userId | UUID | Unique identifier for the user. |
Flow Activity Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
activeRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Active routing method. | ✔ |
addressFrom | String | The address that initiated an action. | |
addressTo | String | The address receiving an action. | |
agentScore | Integer | Assigned agent score for this conversation (0 - 100, higher being better). | |
ani | String | Automatic Number Identification (caller's number). | |
conversationId | UUID | Unique identifier for the conversation. | |
convertedFrom | String | Session media type that was converted from in case of a media type conversion. | |
convertedTo | String | Session media type that was converted to in case of a media type conversion. | |
direction | Enum (inbound, outbound) | The direction of the communication. | |
dnis | String | Dialed number identification service (number dialed by the calling party). | |
flowType | Enum (bot, commonmodule, digitalbot, inboundcall, inboundchat, inboundemail, inboundshortmessage, inqueuecall, inqueueemail, inqueueshortmessage, outboundcall, securecall, speech, surveyinvite, voice, voicemail, voicesurvey, workflow, workitem) | The type of this flow. | |
mediaType | Enum (callback, chat, cobrowse, email, internalmessage, message, screenshare, unknown, video, voice) | The session media type. | |
participantName | String | A human readable name identifying the participant. | |
queueId | UUID | Queue identifier. | |
requestedLanguageId | UUID | Unique identifier for the language requested for an interaction. | |
requestedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Routing type(s) for requested/attempted routing methods. | |
requestedRoutingSkillId | UUID | Unique identifier(s) for skill(s) requested for an interaction. | |
routingPriority | Long | Routing priority for the current interaction. | |
scoredAgentId | UUID | Unique identifier for the agent that was scored for this conversation. | |
sessionId | UUID | The unique identifier of this session. | |
teamId | UUID | The team ID the user is a member of. | |
usedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Complete routing method. | |
userId | UUID | Unique identifier for the user. |
User Activity Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
organizationPresenceId | UUID | Organization presence identifier. | |
presenceDate | DateTime | Date of the latest presence change. | |
queueId | UUID | Queue identifier. | |
queueMembershipStatus | String | Queue membership status (e.g. active or inactive). | |
routingStatus | String | Agent routing status. | |
routingStatusDate | DateTime | Date of the latest routing status change. | |
systemPresence | String | System presence. | |
teamId | UUID | The team ID the user is a member of. | |
userId | UUID | Unique identifier for the user. |
Routing Activity Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
organizationPresenceId | UUID | Organization presence identifier. | |
presenceDate | DateTime | Date of the latest presence change. | |
queueId | UUID | Queue identifier. | |
queueMembershipStatus | String | Queue membership status (e.g. active or inactive). | |
routingStatus | String | Agent routing status. | |
routingStatusDate | DateTime | Date of the latest routing status change. | |
systemPresence | String | System presence. | |
teamId | UUID | The team ID the user is a member of. | |
userId | UUID | Unique identifier for the user. |
Frequent use cases
Longest waiting/interacting conversation
You can determine the longest waiting or interacting conversation on a queue with a conversation activity query with details enabled.
Example query for longest waiting:
"metrics": [{
"name": "oWaiting",
"details": true
"groupBy": ["queueId"],
"filter": {
"type": "and",
"clauses": [{
"type": "and",
"predicates": [{
"dimension": "queueId",
"value": "12345678-c21d-4895-bc43-15262f356fdc"
If this queue has waiting conversations, the activityDate can be used to calculate how long the oldest conversation has been waiting. If you are interested in interacting conversations, substitute oWaiting with oInteracting.
Longest idle agent on queue
You can determine which agent has been idle for the longest amount of time with a routing activity query by filtering on routingStatus IDLE.
"metrics": [{
"name": "oUserRoutingStatuses",
"details": true
"groupBy": ["queueId"],
"filter": {
"type": "and",
"clauses": [{
"type": "and",
"predicates": [{
"dimension": "queueId",
"value": "12345678-c21d-4895-bc43-15262f356fdc"
"dimension": "routingStatus",
"value": "IDLE"