Journey Aggregate query
A journey aggregate query shows a high-level summary of metrics derived from multiple customer journeys. The query data includes KPIs pertaining to journey action map performance, such as number of actions offered to users versus those accepted by users.
Journey aggregate query
A journey aggregate query summarizes overall journey metrics during a given interval.
Metric | Description | Preview |
nDistinctJourneyActions | Approximate number of distinct actions. | |
nDistinctJourneySessions | Approximate number of distinct sessions. | |
nJourneyActionsBlocked | Number of actions blocked. | |
nJourneyOutcomesAchieved | Number of outcome achievements. | |
nJourneyOutcomesAttributed | Number of outcome attributions. | |
nJourneySegmentsAssigned | Number of segment assignments. | |
nJourneySessions | Total number of sessions. | |
nWebActionsAbandoned | Total number of web actions abandoned. | |
nWebActionsAccepted | Total number of web actions accepted. | |
nWebActionsEngaged | Total number of web actions engaged. | |
nWebActionsErrored | Total number of web actions errored. | |
nWebActionsFrequencyCapReached | Total number of web actions that reach the frequency cap. | |
nWebActionsIgnored | Total number of web actions ignored. | |
nWebActionsOffered | Total number of web actions offered. | |
nWebActionsOfferedOutsideSchedule | Total number of web actions offered out of schedule. | |
nWebActionsQualified | Total number of web actions qualified. | |
nWebActionsQualifiedOutsideSchedule | Total number of web actions qualified out of schedule. | |
nWebActionsRejected | Total number of web actions rejected. | |
nWebActionsStarted | Total number of web actions started. | |
oJourneyOutcomeTouchpointValue | Associated value per touchpoint, at the touchpoint level. | ✔ |
oJourneyOutcomeValue | Total value of a Journey Outcome, a business goal that you want to monitor and achieve. |
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
containsAllCondition | String | Contains all condition(s). | |
containsAnyCondition | String | Contains any condition(s). | |
endsWithCondition | String | Ends with condition(s). | |
equalCondition | String | Equal condition(s). | |
journeyActionId | UUID | ID of the action. | |
journeyActionMapId | UUID | ID of the action map that triggered the action. | |
journeyActionMapVersion | Integer | Version of the action map that triggered the action. | |
journeyActionMediaType | String | The media type used to deliver the action (e.g. webchat, contentOffer). | |
journeyActionTargetId | UUID | ID of the action target. | |
journeyActionTemplateId | UUID | ID of the action template. | |
journeyBlockingActionMapId | UUID | ID of the blocking action map. | |
journeyBlockingEmergencyScheduleGroupId | UUID | ID of the blocking emergency schedule group. | |
journeyBlockingReason | Enum (AlreadyExistingOffer, FrequencyCapping, MultipleSimultaneousOffers, NoAvailableAgents, OfferedOutsideSchedule, PageUrlConditionsNotMatching, ServiceLevelThrottling, TriggerDateInFuture) | Type of reason. | |
journeyBlockingScheduleGroupId | UUID | ID of the blocking schedule group. | |
journeyDeviceCategory | String | Category of the user agent device (e.g. desktop, tablet, mobile). | |
journeyDeviceType | String | Type or family of the user agent device (e.g. iPad, iPhone). | |
journeyFrequencyCapReason | Enum (CapForPeriod, CapOnceFinalized, CapOnceRejected) | Frequency cap behaviour which blocked the action. | |
journeyIpGeolocationCountry | String | Customer's IP-based geolocation. | |
journeyOutcomeId | UUID | ID of the outcome achieved. | |
journeySegmentId | UUID | ID of the segment. | |
journeySegmentScope | String | The target entity that a segment applies to. | |
journeySessionId | UUID | ID of the session. | |
journeySessionSegmentId | UUID | Unique identifier(s) of segment(s) assigned within the session when the outcome was achieved. | |
journeySessionType | String | Indicates the type or category of the session (e.g. web, ticket, delivery, atm). | |
notContainsAllCondition | String | Not contains all condition(s). | |
notContainsAnyCondition | String | Not contains any condition(s). | |
notEqualCondition | String | Not equal condition(s). | |
startsWithCondition | String | Starts with condition(s). | |
touchpointActionMapId | UUID | ActionMapId(s) from touchpoint(s) that may be attributed to the outcome being achieved. | |
touchpointAgentId | UUID | ID of agent who participated in the touchpoint. | |
touchpointAttributionScope | Enum (Customer, Session) | The attribution scope indicates if a touchpoint occurred within the same Session as the outcome achievement (i.e. Session scope) or prior to the Session where the outcome was achieved (i.e. Customer scope). | |
touchpointChannelMessageType | Enum (Apple, Facebook, Instagram, Line, Open, Sms, Twitter, WebMessaging, WhatsApp) | Channel message type(s) for messaging conversation. | |
touchpointChannelPlatform | String | Channels Platform(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved. | |
touchpointChannelType | Enum (Callback, Chat, Cobrowse, ContentOffer, Email, Message, Screenshare, Video, Voice, Webchat) | Indicates the types or categories of this touchpoint. | |
touchpointConversationId | UUID | ConversationId(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved. | |
touchpointInteractionType | Enum (Proactive, Reactive) | Represents the type of the interaction(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved e.g. Proactive, Reactive. | |
touchpointQueueId | UUID | QueueId(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved. | |
touchpointRequestedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Last, Other, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Requested Routing Type(s) to initiate this touchpoint. | |
touchpointUsedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Last, Other, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Used Routing Type to initiate this touchpoint. | |
touchpointWrapupCode | String | Wrapup code(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved. |
Metrics and dimensions that are marked as preview may not have been released yet and are subject to change at any time without notice.
The syntax of this query conforms to the general template for aggregate queries.
Example query
The following query asks for two specific metrics (number offered to users, number accepted by users) for all actions generated by a given journey action map between 09:00 and 11:00 on Jun 6, 2019, partitioned into two separate hour-long time buckets.
"interval": "2019-06-06T09:00:00.000Z/2019-06-06T11:00:00.000Z",
"granularity": "PT1H",
"metrics": [
"filter": {
"type": "or",
"predicates": [
"dimension": "journeyActionMapId",
"value": "afc94db8-1381-493d-84fc-4467ea1ca042",
Example response
For each action map and interval queried for, the following response returns a list of metrics. Since the original query asked for a 2-hour interval broken into two hour-long partitions, two intervals are returned along with their corresponding metrics. Each of these metrics are comprised of statistics that show a count of actions. In the first example, nWebActionsOffered, we see that 14 web action were offered by this action map during the hour. We also see that three offers were accepted during this time frame.
"results": [
"group": {
"journeyActionMapId": "afc94db8-1381-493d-84fc-4467ea1ca042"
"data": [
"interval": "2019-06-06T09:00:00.000Z/2019-06-06T10:00:00.000Z",
"metrics": [
"metric": "nWebActionsOffered",
"stats": {
"count": 14
"metric": "nWebActionsAccepted",
"stats": {
"interval": "2019-06-06T10:00:00.000Z/2019-06-06T11:00:00.000Z",
"metrics": [
"metric": "nWebActionsOffered",
"stats": {
"count": 29
"metric": "nWebActionsAccepted",
"stats": {
"count": 1