Lesson 2 - Task with Decision action
Now we will go ahead and create an inbound call flow with a startup task instead of a menu. This flow looks to see what number was called for an inbound flow and if it's "+16504661100" it sets a site name variable to "Genesys Daly City", if it's "+13178723000" it sets "Genesys Indianapolis" and if it's anything else it sets the site string variable to "Genesys".
It will then use that site name in the initial greeting for the flow and present the caller with a menu.
Here is the flow YAML:
name: My Flow
defaultLanguage: en-us
startUpRef: /inboundCall/tasks/task[myStartingTask]
exp: Append("Hello and welcome to ", Flow.siteName, ".")
- menu:
name: Main Menu
tts: You are at the Main Menu, press 9 to disconnect.
refId: mainMenu
- menuDisconnect:
name: Disconnect
dtmf: digit_9
- task:
name: Starting Task
refId: myStartingTask
- updateData:
name: Set up flow variables
- string:
variable: Flow.calledNumber
If(IsSet(ToPhoneNumber(Call.CalledAddress)) and IsSet(ToPhoneNumber(Call.CalledAddress).e164),
- string:
variable: Flow.siteName
If(Flow.calledNumber == "+16504661100", "Genesys Daly City",
If(Flow.calledNumber == "+13178723000", "Genesys Indianapolis",
- decision:
name: Is site name blank?
exp: IsNotSetOrEmpty(Flow.siteName)
- updateData:
name: Set site name to "Genesys"
- string:
variable: Flow.siteName
lit: Genesys
- jumpToMenu:
name: Go to the main menu
targetMenuRef: /inboundCall/menus/menu[mainMenu]
For flow types that allow tasks, notice how we added a tasks array and then added a task to it above. The task has a name of 'Starting Task'. While we will talk about this later, notice how we put a reference id of 'myStartingTask' on this task. That makes it something that can be referenced by other parts of the flow. Up at the top of the flow the startUpRef property points to this task.
Then since a task is an action container, it has an actions array where we added additional logic to set up a string value in a Flow.siteName variable. While we could have put the "Genesys" default value in the Update Data action itself, we added a decision action to check to see if Flow.siteName was blank. This shows an action with outputs. Notice how outputs is an array. You can then add a yes output to the array and since an output is an action container similar to a task, add an actions array and then add actions to it. This is just like Architect's UI but now you're doing it in YAML.
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