This is a really important message about something. It could be about anything we deem important enough to tell everyone. It might have links to places, but shouldn't have any images or non-text content. Messages shouldn't be longer than two lines on normal sized layouts.
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Lesson 1 - My First Flow

For this lesson we're going to jump right in and create an inbound call flow that looks just like what the Architect UI would create if you created a new inbound call flow.

  name: Archy Demo
  defaultLanguage: en-us
  startUpRef: ./menus/menu[mainMenu]
    tts: Hello, this is the initial greeting.
    - menu:  
        name: Main Menu
          tts: You are at the Main Menu, press 9 to disconnect.
        refId: mainMenu        
          - menuDisconnect:
              name: Disconnect
              dtmf: digit_9

As you can see, at the very root of the YAML is the flow type where we specify 'inboundCall'. Underneath inbound call you will set properties about the flow such as the flow's name, default language tag, initial audio and more. This example is very basic. You do have the ability to specify other settings such as a flow's division which is not shown above. If you do not specify a division, Archy will create the flow in the organization's home division.

Assuming the above YAML was in a file named:


and you were running Archy from the same directory where the archyDemoFlow.yaml is located, you would run:

archy create --file archyDemoFlow.yaml

and Archy would create the flow. You can also use a fully qualified file path when specifying the --file parameter value.

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Archy - Ver. 2.33.1, generated on January 3, 2025