Access and store attributes related data captured by script


we would like to export daily via API all interactions (details) for which additional information has been captured in the Genesys script and stored as a list of attributes under the participant.

How to identify via API all interactions for which data was stored in the list of attributes for?
Ideally, how to retrieve all interactions (details) for a given time period including attribute data via an API request without querying each interaction individually?

We have currently only found the possibility to retrieve the data in the course of querying a single interaction (GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}, participants.attributes).

The endpoint POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query returns all interactions of a period but without the list of attributes.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to retrieve this data with as few API requests as possible?

With best regards

Mirko Jessulat

Participant Attributes are available from POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs but limited to the date specified in GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/availability.

That is the "bulk" conversation API such as it were. You can not request them by themselves, have to bring the whole Conversation object and parse out the bits you want and there is no filter option for just conversations with Participant Attributes.

The way to obtain them the fastest, with the absolute fewest APIs, is to to setup a Notification on the queues you're interested in and harvest them in real time from that.