Access to call transcripts using the developer API

I am currently trying to access an endpoint that will return call transcripts from specific conversations within my organisation. I have located some endpoints within the Speech & Text Analytics API's but am unsure where to pull the actual call transcripts from. Is this data available through the API?


Hi @p_m_cb,

You can extract the transcript from a recorded voice interaction by using several API endpoints.
Here, I will outline each step:

The initial API call is directed to the following endpoint, which retrieves the communicationId:

GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}


The communicationId can be found withing the calls array, under the participant where the purpose is labeled as customer, as shown above.

With the conversationId and communicationId now available, the next step will be to target the following API endpoint to get the URL for the transcript:

GET /api/v2/speechandtextanalytics/conversations/{conversationId}/communications/{communicationId}/transcripturls


As you can see, this URL is hosted on an S3 bucket. To get the transcript, a simple GET request to this URL is required.


Now, you can iterate through the phrases array to access all the text of the conversation.

This is exactly what Genesys standard UI does in the background when accessing the content interface for a specific conversation via the Transcript Tab.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Thanks Charaf
I have had time this week to revisit the API. I have had success going through the API explorer on the developer centre website. I was able to access the URL as you outlined as see our call transcripts.
Now I am trying to code a script in python that uses the OAuth method to access the API endpoints.
I am having trouble accessing as I keep getting an error message. I have a Client ID and Client Secret setup using the OAuth function in integrations. I have also set the role to have complete access.

How do I now get the access token using these credentials in python?


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