Active agent on queue report

I need to create a list that shows the number of agents with a certain skill who have logged into a queue during a month, and it must be divided by day.
Any suggestions?

I don't think it works like that.

  • You're logged in or not.
  • You're assigned a queue or not.
  • You're "on queue" or not (for all queues you have, you can't pick and choose)
  • The activate/deactivate queues if they have that permission isn't temporal or tracked
  • You're assigned a skill or not.
  • You have specific presences at specific times.

All of those things are mostly unrelated to each other in Genesys, and both queue and skill are atemporal; There is no history or time component to them, only what is assigned at the time you ran the API.

So the best you'd be able to do is generate a login/logout from Presence data and tack on their current queues and skills but that wouldn't actually reflect reality unless those queues and skills remained unchanged forever. You'd have to stitch that together from at least 2 or 3 different APIs.

I think the nearest you can come is telling what queue & skill an agent actually was offered calls in/from via conversation aggregates, and then doing a manual distinct agents per day from that in another tool. There's no point in time "availability" concept to tell who could have taken calls at any given interval.

If I've misunderstood what you're trying to achieve feel free to elaborate.

Let me try to rephrase it

We have a customer who needs to be able to create a reports that documents/shows that they minimum have one agent sitting on a queue 24/7 - if not they got a penalty.

No native reporting I can think of provides that capability over a span of history.
You could create a socket listener for queue observations and convert that into a type 2 table somewhere that tracks active members in a queue by timestamp but it's definitely not an out of the box off the shelf solution and would be forward only from the time you created it.

Thanks for your reply. I have found that Query for user aggregates - /api/v2/analytics/users/aggregates/query can give me most of the results.

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