Adding a maximum depth of nest JSON that we will support with data actions


In order to provide more robust stability to the service that processes Data Actions, we have found it necessary to implement a maximum depth of nesting within a JSON request or response that we will support. This limit will be set at 50 levels of nesting.

Change Category


Change Context

Unbounded nesting within JSON requests/responses has been shown to overrun a critical library used in the data action service and cause a failure of the instance. If attempted frequently enough, it could cause a complete outage of the service within a region.

Date of Change is estimated, based on successful release review

Change Impact

Customers will receive a 400 level response, classified as a processing error, if the request or response to a data action contains more than 50 layers of nesting and indicate they have exceeded the limit

Date of Change

Aug 09, 2023

Impacted APIs

POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/execute
POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/test



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