/api/v2/speechandtextanalytics/transcripts/search seems bugged


I have found while querying that endpoint that results do not seem to align with what is expected:
When querying for a certain window, the API responds with a total number of transcripts and the number of pages to be found for the initial pageSize

Then for that same time window, if I query for any page upwards 1/4 of the max, I get a 400 "TOO_MANY_REQUESTED_RESULTS" response.
The breakpoint seems to align with the actual number of conversations of that period. It also seems to work weirdly in terms that unless the service can fit a complete page into the response (pagesize) it would also return a TOO_MANY_REQUESTED_RESULTS response. I verified this by using two prime numbers as the page sizes such that the higher one should contain results from the smaller one on the last page: (page Size 37 at page 28 returns a whole page, meaning there are at least 1036 results and page size 71 at page 15 should return results from the 995th to the 1065th - or at least until 1036th - but gets TOO_MANY_REQUESTED_RESULTS)



This is possibly what you are facing - Transcript Search page - "Pagination is only supported through the first 1,000 results. Note that the pagination limit for searching transcripts is more restrictive than most other search resources listed on our"


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