Can we use metrics in UserAggregateQueryPredicate filter for user aggregate query?

I have a requirement to generate a report for all users in an organization for a day's interval about their presence and status.

I am checking
/api/v2/analytics/users/aggregates/query api, and I am looking for a way to get details of all the users available without specifying the userIds individually.

and since filter is mandatory apart from dimension, I see an option to filter with metric as well, but the syntax provided in API Explorer is not working for metric type,

-> for metric, the request is expecting metric value to be present, but metric is not present in definition in api explorer ( so I tried to add an attribute "metric" but still I got error saying metric value should be not null )

So, can we give metric as type in UserAggregateQueryPredicate, if so what should be the syntax of the UserAggregateQueryPredicate ?


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