Chrome 3rd party cookie phase out and the state of embedded clients

Hello Fellow Devs,

Today I received an email from Salesforce on the upcoming change to Chome 3rd party cookie policy.

I used the information from bullet #2 and the SalesForce integration does not work. I dont have access to many other embedded clients, but i suspect the problem would be present as well.

Is this something that Genesys has on the roadmap to address? just curious what the plan is as the Jan 24th date when this change goes live isnt that far away.





I'm also assuming you're all handling it but a public post to the matter would be great as we have Salesforce Admins and other stakeholders wanting better answers than "I'm sure they'll handle it"

Genesys would like to inform all customers that this a known issue and solutions are being actively implemented to mitigate this change.
All customers using the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce CTI integration will not be affected.
Public statement to follow.

Is there an update on when this will be addressed? are there mitigation steps that will be required to ensure there will not be an interruption?

A lot of customers rely on the SalesForce integration. I can imagine the IT department bombarded by tickets when this rolls out in Chrome where the SF Integration no longer works....



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