Conversation Aggregates and Conversation details jobs


We are making use of both conversation aggregate query and Conversation details job to get interaction details to analyse in our Analytics tool Power BI.The data from Aggregates query matches the Genesys UI interaction view data. But the conversation detail data is different and has more metrics which makes it difficult to compare.
Why is the data returned by both API so different? is there any way to come to a common ground to compare these data?
I have gone through the genesys documentation provided online, but I cant understand why the metrics cant be the same?
Also what are the levels of data we are receiving through Conversation detail job, like queue level, etc. Is there a way to filter conversation details job to match the result from aggregates query in the same time interval. I am looking for metrics like noffered, tanswered and thandle count.
Any suggestion or guidance would help.


Conversation Details is the raw event data of your conversation. It's everything that happened and exactly when it happened.

Conversation Aggregates is a curated summary of that data, grouped the way you tell it to be grouped, containing what you tell it to contain.

Hi Eos ,

Thanks! is there a way to make these both match metric-wise? Like we observed that the Genesys UI values matched the values returned by Aggregate query, but not the conversation details one.


Hi Eos, how does Aggregates query summarise data? Because if Conversation details is the raw data, it must be following specific formulas to calculate the aggregate from it, is there any reference material based on that?


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