Conversation analytics query reliability

I am investigating an issue where my query for conversationEnd exists didn't retrieve some of ended conversations during the interval I provided, but now when I run the same query the conversation in showing up

The query I did:

interval: 2023-08-23T18:34:45Z/2023-08-23T18:36:00Z (1 to 2 minutes usually)
divisionId: matches xxxxxxx
conversationEnd: exists

It looks like if the endpoint returns a conversation that ended just now that doesn't mean I don't need to look to a past interval anymore. Could you confirm if that this is the case, or if I am doing something wrong?

I am thinking about searching for started conversations instead, but can I trust that If the endpoint returned the last conversationStart at x I don't need to fetch past x anymore?

There are small differences between conversation detail queries and jobs:

  • Interval: Conversation detail queries will only include conversations that started on a day (UTC) touched by the interval. Conversation detail jobs will by default include all conversations whose lifetime overlaps with the query interval. If you want the same behavior as for queries, you should set the startOfDayIntervalMatching flag in the query to true.

If you're experiencing something different than how it's documented open a customer care case to report it.

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