Customisation "evaluation form" Questions


We are working "Evaluation form" for our customer and we need your help please in order to get answer's if there is possibility to have customization.

Bellow asked questions :

Is there solution to add an alone "Comment text" only on "Evaluation form" without adding a question or question group ?

Can we restrict a rôle in order to block adding Evaluation colomns in interaction view ( Performence --> interaction ) ?

When we create an "evaluation form", all organization agent account are displayed like a bug.

How we can restrict to diplayed only Evaluators of my Division on the list.

We was made some tests but each time all organization agent account's are listed ( Evaluator list ).

Is it possible to display the result of the calibration only when all the evaluators have validated their evaluation?

Thank you for your help and advices.

Best regards

I will answer what I can and will add more info here if I can find it

I'm not aware of a way to add only comments with no questions to an evaluation form. The evaluation form is meant to be a questionnaire. To accomplish that you might consider using process automation triggers in conjuction with an email campaign to send an email to a customer after an interaction wraps up.

Some of the permissions for Quality evaluations include:
quality > evaluation > add
quality > evaluation > edit
quality > evaluation > delete
quality > evaluation > edit agent sign-off
quality > evaluation > edit score
quality > evaluation > participate
So you could restrict a role in these areas by not including these permissions

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