Data Acttion MutalTLS with own client certificate


as I could understand Genesys Cloud use a client certificate for Data Action REST API requests. Details can be found here:

We need to call a REST Webservice which has a contraint that it only allows client certificates which they created themselves with only their CA. That means they don't trust the Genesys CA at all. So this means all request from Genesys Cloud Data Action will be answered with an error.

Is there any possibility to manipulate the client certificate which Genesys Cloud is using for TLS client authentication when sending an external REST Webservice request?

Thanks and best regards,

Hi Christian,

It is currently not possible to manipulate the mTLS certificate used by Data Actions. The only work around that I am aware of would be to use some type of middleware, like a lambda Data Action to connect to that web service. You can also post your use case to .


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