Deprecation: /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/query API


In April 2024 Genesys introduced the Workitems Query Jobs API which replaces the Workitems Synchronous Query API Endpoint: /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/query. These new APIs use jobs and async processing to query for workitems.


What does this mean?

Between the announcement date and the API TTL change, Genesys recommends that anyone working with /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/query transitions to using Workitems Query Jobs API for querying workitems.

Am I affected?

If you or anyone in your organization accesses the Workitem Synchronous Endpoint API /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/query then you are affected.

What do I need to do before the Change Date?

Between the announcement date and the API TTL change, Genesys recommends transitioning to using the Workitems Query Jobs API for anyone working with /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/query. The querying process can be broken down into three steps:

  1. Create a Query Job: Invoke the job query API to create a query job. The response will include a job ID.
  2. Check Job Status: Use the job ID to query the query status API and check the job's status. The response will provide details about the job, including its status (Queued, Running, Succeeded, or Failed).
  3. Retrieve Results: Once the job status is complete, use the query results API to retrieve the results. The results will be included in the response.

The /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/query/jobs endpoints require the workitems:queryjob:add and workitems:queryjob:view permissions.

Who should I contact if I need help or have additional questions?

Contact, My Support,, or .

Change Category


Change Context

With the introduction of Arora DB, we have introduced async query API for work automation. Hence there is no need to keep the sync API, which is more expensive from a performance perspective.

Change Impact

Customers will need to start using the new async query API in place of sync API.

Date of Change

Effective immediately, we will label the API resources as "deprecated."

We will not remove the APIs from service until such time that no customers utilize these APIs.

Impacted APIs

POST /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/query

