Deprecation: historical adherence query route across management units


The historical adherence query route, across management units, is being deprecated and replaced by new bulk routes. The new API allows developers to make fewer and more efficient requests for historical agent schedule adherence. The old query route will not support new features going forward, and will be removed on July 18, 2023 or once we can confirm they are no longer in use, whichever is later.

Here are some notable changes between the old and new routes:

  • The new routes will group users by management unit in the request rather than an arbitrary list of users

  • Actuals will no longer be returned. If the actuals are needed they should be queried from analytics

  • You can ask for exceptions with no limitations (previously it was limited based on the number of days requested)

  • Explanations will be applied to historical adherence calculations

Change Category


Change Context

Use of the old query route often resulted in the service being rate limited, slowing down the process and delaying results across the board. The new API allows developers to make fewer and more efficient requests for historical agent schedule adherence. This should create more consistent response times.

Change Impact

This route is still commonly used, but will be deprecated to deter new adoption of the old route as we work toward transitioning over to the, newer, bulk routes. The rate limit of the deprecated route will be lowered, but any existing users currently calling the deprecated route above the new rate limit will not have their rate limit changed at this time.

For new users, as this route is being deprecated and removed, it is recommended to use the new bulk POST and GET routes going forward. Here is a tutorial on how to use the new bulk routes.

Date of Change

Jul 18, 2023 or once we can confirm they are no longer in use, whichever is later.

Impacted APIs

POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adherence/historical

will be replaced by:

POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adherence/historical/bulk

GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adherence/historical/bulk/jobs/{jobId}



Edit: Fixed Links

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