Difference between definitions of wrap-up codes

Hello Team,

Would like to get some additional details on the differences between the following 2 wrap-up codes


My understanding is that for #1, this refers to a wrap-up that appears when call gets assigned to queue but did not reach agent. Would like to clarify what exactly does #2 mean for getting transferred to a flow? What does this 'flow' refer to?

Hi Audrey,

This page on wrap up codes should help explain what each of the different wrap up codes mean.


Hi Declan, I have taken a look, but im still unsure of what this 'flow' exactly represents in Genesys' terms
Can help to elaborate a little more on what the 'flow' in 'transferred to flow' means?


Hi Audrey,

If I understand correctly you are asking what a flow is in genesys cloud. If so I would suggest looking at the developer center and/or the resource center for info on this. The developer center and resource center contain lots of articles and documents,too many to mention here, that explain the different types of flows and how they work. These two documents should help you get started https://developer.genesys.cloud/routing/architect/flows and Architect flows overview - Genesys Cloud Resource Center. If I have misunderstood what you are asking please let me know.


Hello Declan, If I could be very specific:
From the context of an outbound call dialing, in what situations will the wrap-up code return ININ-OUTBOUND-TRANSFERRED-TO-FLOW?

From my interaction timeline, it seems like such calls are assigned to agent where agents are 'alerted' but did not pick-up phone. Can i understand it as a wrap-up code to tag such scenarios where calls is assigned to agents but not picked-up in time before it is dropped by user?

Hi Audrey,

ININ-OUTBOUND-TRANSFERRED-TO-QUEUE: Indicates that the outbound call was transferred to a queue where an Agent will pick up the conversation.

ININ-OUTBOUND-TRANSFERRED-FLOW: The call is transferred to a Genesys Cloud Architect flow. An Architect flow is the entry point in Genesys Cloud for the different communication channels (e.g. voice, messaging, email). A flow is an executable decision tree where you can build logic to determine how you want to route the cucstomner or do additional work before the customer is routed to the destination.

Hello John,

What scenarios will a call not get transferred to a queue to assign to agents but instead stops at ININ-OUTBOUND-TRANSFERRED-FLOW?

We just want to understand whether this is a Purecloud / Genesys issue or is it related to agents' slow response

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