Embeddable Framework iframe URL

hi All,

Need your advise on Embeddable Framework iframe URL for private deployment, there are 2:


What are the different between that 2 URL, if i want to apply Embed Framework inside Salesforce, which iframe URL I need to use ?

Thanks for advise


The url which is tagged as "Stage = Development" (i.e. https://apps.mypurecloud.com/crm/index.html?crm=framework-local-secure) can be used while you are developing your integration and tuning your framework.js file. It allows the framework.js file to be part of your project (loaded via url).

When you are ok with your framework.js (I mean when you consider that you have set what you needed in framework.js in terms of configuration, actions, settings, .... and you don't need to change it anymore), you can move to the "Stage = Deployment" (i.e. https://apps.mypurecloud.com/crm/embeddableFramework.html). You will upload your framework.js to the Private Embeddable Framework integration (that you will have created in your Genesys Cloud configuration, via the Admin UI).

As you mention Salesforce, Genesys Cloud already has a built-in integration in Salesforce.
See About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce


Thanks Jerome.
Its clear now


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