Endpoints not maintaining standard properties related to Modified date

Endpoints are not maintaining standard properties related to Modified date.

  1. /api/v2/presencedefinitions has modifiedDate property.
  2. /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/, /api/v2/groups/, /api/v2/speechandtextanalytics/programs/, /api/v2/routing/queues/, /api/v2/routing/skills/, /api/v2/speechandtextanalytics/topics/
    has dateModified property.
  3. /api/v2/users and /api/v2/locations have version property.

Different teams own different aspects of the product and API and are not (or were not, maybe they've realized this absurdity and begun improving it but doesn't change what's still out there) following any common standards guidelines. There is a vast sea of inconsistency across the product above and beyond this and unless it's documented as intended to work a certain way it's not going to be considered a defect that it doesn't.

If you feel that something should be changed your only option is to submit it as an idea and hope enough people agree that it will get added to the roadmap and worked in your lifetime - Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal


Thanks for the explanation.
The other thing would highlight in the context is conversations don't have modified date field.
My query is why it is missing as conversations play a vital role in C.X

As Eos pointed out, not all endpoints have identical data structures. Their schemas are as documented. You can request new features and share your use case at Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal.

Why do you feel this is important?
I've been using the system about two years now and can't think of a single instance of knowing something about the conversation changed would help me in any way, because every way we have of pulling a conversation is either by its id, or by its start/end date, or via a socket listener that gets the conversation in real time when updates have occurred. Most components of a conversation already have their own time component, like the segment begin/end and the metric EmitDate, so what about conversations do you feel need a timestamp? If you can articulate that need to me it would help define your use case for submitting and justifying as an idea.

You can understand my issue by referring Genesys forum

The only way to communicate your request and use case to product management is to create an idea on the ideas site and post your use case with that idea. Product management does not dig through forum posts to glean ideas for new features; the ideas portal is the only venue for you to communicate that.

I'm going to go ahead and close this post as this discussion has run its course. All future requests you have for new properties to be added or new API features should go to the ideas portal. If you have questions about features that currently exist, please create a new topic for those questions.

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