Extract the number of incomming calls that were rejected

Dear Genesys,

How do I extract the number of calls that were rejected? In other words the number of incomming calls that never reached a queue because the maximum number of customers on the queue was already reached and therefore no new calls were allowed into the queue.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

off hand I think that'd be a conversation detail (if you want more details to do analysis with) or aggregate (if you just want counts) with a filter for purpose = customer and disconnectType = system (and obviously direction = inbound, mediatype = voice)

You'd catch other systemic issues that way, but I don't think there is any easy way to get as specific as 'because the queue was full' . There's no specific metric for this but I think nConnected would work since you're narrowing it down to ones reached you then got punted.

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