Getting search keyword interval in KonwledgeBase


I'm trying to get the intervals and other details of a search keyword in a knowledgeBase without having to provide an interval i.e date ranges.

The aggregate query using this endpoint /api/v2/analytics/knowledge/aggregates/query provides just a count of the search keywords based on the metrics selected (answered/unanswered) and it groups them by an appType i.e Botflow, agent assist and so on. The interval in the response body is the date range selected.

This functionality is available in the optimizer tab in the KnowledgeBase Work Bench.

But what if I don't have an interval date range? Is there an endpoint or a way to get the details of a search keyword without providing an interval and generating a response which has the details of when the search for that keyword was conducted and what keyword was used?

Appreciate your support.

Thank you.

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