How can I disable masking of my interactions using "api/v2/analytics/reporting/settings"?


I would like to disable ANI and DNIS masking for myinteractions.

API I have run:"/api/v2/analytics/reporting/settings"

"myInteractionsPiiMaskingEnabled": false

Execution resulted in a Response of 200 OK, but the result did not include anything about myInteractions.
"piiMaskingEnabled": false,.
"queueAgentAccessObfuscation": false

I checked My Interactions on the GenesysCloud screen,
It is still masked.

If anyone knows how to disable ANI and DNIS masking for My Interactions, please let me know.

Hello! We don't have this capability to disable this setting yet, but we're very close to releasing a feature that will allow this to be disabled. The feature is being tracked here Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal


Thanks for the information.
I will wait for the release as I understand it is currently under development.

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