How to cancel a "pending consult transfer that hasn't started yet"?

There seem to be multiple ways to cancel transfers;

  • In some instances, the correct answer is "patchConversationParticipant" with the third party's participant ID and { state: "disconnected" }. Okay, a bit counter-intuitive but if it gets the job done...
  • In other instances it's deleteConversationsCallParticipantConsult with the customer's participant ID. Weird, but it has worked for us in the past. But again, if it works...

But let's say I start a warm transfer with someone, that person has not answered yet, and I hit the "cancel transfer" button in my program. What I get is an error along the lines of "the transfer can't be canceled because it hasn't started yet". At this point I'm just playing hack'n'guess, trying different endpoints with different parameters, throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Any ideas? :smile:

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