How to order conversation participant and sessions


I looked at the SQL blueprint documented for the conversation data ( Although it does help understand the structure, I could not find any information that would help order the sessions or participant (how do we recreated the sequence of sessions as they were executed in realtime)?

Would this be using the eventTime attribute and if so, is this at the session level?

Thank you,

Each participant has a session, each session consists of segments, each segment has a discrete start and stop.
That is your order.

Each metric is an independent event that occurs at a discrete emit_date (timestamp) within the span of if it's participant's segments.

Thank you for the prompt response Eos. As a follow-up question, what is the relationship between a conversation eventbridge event and a conversation segment? Do each event with a start and end date equivalent to a segment?

ex.{id}.acd.start +{id}.acd.end with the same discrete start and stop time equivalent to a segment in the blueprint

Thank you,

I don't use event bridge so this is my high level understanding ;
Each participant has a type, those types correspond with the identifiers the event bridge lets you subscribe to ( acd, customer, user) and will be triggered by the creation/ending of a segment for the corresponding participant type, so effectively yes, it should map approximately give or take any changes in the event bridge specific schema for the event.

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