Identify if an agent is logged in in the office or working remotely

Hi there,

In the old purecloud version, we could identify if an agent was working remotely via the Station ID
With the new genesys cloud, is there a specific api which will allow us to identify if they are working remotely?


no, but you could subscribe to auth token, issue audit events or use the audit log viewer and see IP addresses of all users when they log in - You could use this to glean which users are logging in outside of the office IP range.


Thank you Zino,

So to clarify, if we get audit events - will that tell us if they are remotely logged in as part of the audit, or do we still have to check the IP address range in the output from this?

Would these audit events be available via event bridge as well?

Thanks again

You would still have to check the IP address range. Although I haven't worked with event bridge, per the documentation ; EventBridge takes events sent from Genesys Cloud and provides meaningful data through the subscriptions that you set up, so you should be able to.

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