Need more clarification on DurationMs and AbsoluteDurationMs in Genesys Annotations

Can someone from Genesys provide further clarification on exactly what DurationMs and AbsoluteDurationMs represents in the Genesys Annotations endpoint?

The following link talks a little bit about it but it's still not very clear on what the difference between the two really is:

I have the following 2 examples

Example 1

        "id": "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz",
        "type": "Pause",
        "location": 1700,
        "durationMs": 232060,
        "absoluteLocation": 1300,
        "absoluteDurationMs": 1267775,
        "recordingLocation": 1700,
        "recordingDurationMs": 0,
        "description": "Secure Pause",
        "reason": "SecurePause",
        "realtimeLocation": 1322

Example 2

        "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "type": "Pause",
        "location": 1720,
        "durationMs": 109930,
        "absoluteLocation": 1320,
        "absoluteDurationMs": 109930,
        "recordingLocation": 1720,
        "recordingDurationMs": 0,
        "description": "Secure Pause",
        "reason": "SecurePause",
        "realtimeLocation": 1339

In Example 1 the DurationMs and AbsoluteDurationMs are VERY different, whereas in Example 2 they are both the same.

Can I get some input on this?


Per Tim in that post

The absolute time is simply the end minus the start time. The adjusted for cuts time is the absolute time minus any periods of time that the recording wasn't active.

So what are you needing clarification on?

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