New EF App, Partner attribute missing, wont load PartnerLib

I'm creating a new app using Embedded Framework. I've uploaded framework.js, and when I go to***&crm=embeddableframework it does the SSO popup, and then I just get the spinner in my iframe. In the console, I see "Error: Framework Library is not available.".

Looking through the Genesys source code of the iframe, it seems to want the html tag in the iframe to have an attribute called "partner". When I check for mine, the html tag has no "partner" attribute, so no framework.js gets loaded, and thus I see the spinner.

Have I misconfigured something in my Integration? How do I get the iframe to have this attribute?

that is the wrong URL. That url is (sort of) correct for a local deployment while you're developing your framework file, but that does not reference the framework file you've uploaded through the admin UI.

You want Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework. You can continue to use the query string parameters, with the exception of the crm parameter, as that's not needed.

Additionally, since you're using Okta as an SSO provider, you're most likely going to want the dedicated login window query string parameter on your iFrame source url (from For private deployments, add the query string parameter dedicatedLoginWindow=true to the iframe URL. For more information, see iframe URLs.

Please be sure to check out the necessary redirect URLs so they are included in your Oauth client: Create an OAuth client - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

Ok. That's interesting. We use the for our other licensed products, so I assumed it was a region thing. None of our logins work at It says:
"There was a problem logging you in.
Please check your email address and password and try again."

Additionally, when specifying our org name, it says "Sorry, there is a problem with the organization you provided." when using the mypurecloud domain, but works fine at the domain. Is there no way to get a "partner" or framework.js to work at

the prefix needs to be adjusted for the region... that was just the copy/paste from the page that specifies the correct URLs to use as your iFrame source for the various deployment types of the embeddable framework:

so the URL you will want to use is Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework

Awesome, thanks. So our framework.js URL seems to be

Our organization is blocking AWS domains. So I will work on that next. Thank you so much for your help!

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