Open Messaging API Customer Avatar

I'm doing some development using the Open Messaging to build an SMS broker in a region where none is available.

All is working correctly, and I can send & receive SMS's via my custom gateway to my Genesys Agent.

In a conversation, the customer is shown with a default avatar. I experimented with the the body to define a in my POST /api/v2/conversations/messages/inbound/open request - But this didn't render on screen.

In the forums, I found a post about removing fields, which indicates the image fields has been removed anyway

So my question is: Is there a way to define an avatar/image for the customer portion of the onscreen messaging?

Hi Lloyd,

The "image" field isn't supported by the Open API today. Please see the API documentation here for supported fields.

In the near future, Genesys Cloud Messaging will support a new Normalized Message format that will expose new fields, including the image field. At that time we will add "image" back to the Open API contract. The avatar image URL will be available via the Platform API for client apps and potentially Agent Scripts via Data Actions.

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