Operational Console permission removal


During the Beta period from May 2023 to August 2023, the Operational Console allowed for an extra permission, troubleshooting:operationalEvent:view to be used. This permission is being deprecated and customers will continue using usage:events:view as the permission for visibility to the Operational Console.

Change Category


Change Context

Due to recommendations from the PublicAPI team during the Beta phase, we instituted a new permission in the Usage scope for the Operational Console. This usage:events:view permission was in place and the default behavior before GA. The troubleshooting:operationalEvent:view provides no further functionality and is being removed.

Change Impact

Customers who enabled the Operational Console during the Beta phase will need to verify that they have enabled the usage:events:view permission for users who need access to the Operational Console.

Date of Change

17 Jun 2024

Impacted APIs

GET /api/v2/usage/events/definitions
GET /api/v2/usage/events/definitions/{eventDefinitionId}



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