Preview API: Removal of nWorkitemsAssigned metric and eventTime dimension from Task Management Analytics


We have removed the nWorkitemsAssigned metric from the Task Management Analytics Preview API (/api/v2/analytics/taskmanagement/aggregates/query).

In addition, we have removed the eventTime dimension.

This metric will be redesigned as a count of workitem alerts and reintroduced in a future release.

Change Category


Change Context

During internal testing of the nWorkitemsAssigned metric, it was considered to be confusing and a count of alerting work is a better metric and aligns better with existing metrics used by conversations.

The eventTime dimension was removed as the dimension was considered not useful for task management metrics.

Change Impact

Task Management Analytics metrics have not been released nor are task management metrics being actively tested by customers, so there is no impact to customers.

Date of Change

Mar 27, 2023

Impacted APIs




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