Quality Aggregate query

Hi team

Just looking for some best practice for extracting evaluation result by question/answer rather than just totals
I know from /api/v2/quality/evaluations/query we can get this data, but you have to pass either conversationid, agentid, evaluaterid, asigneeid.

Is there no way to just get all evaluations completed on a specific form for a date range, and get the questions/answers results?

So you have to run this for each agent, or each evaluator, or each call etc which would really add up on those API calls and rate limits when you want to get all those results for a day/week/month across the centre.

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I guess everyone just struggles with this and no one has a solution?

Per GET /api/v2/quality/evaluations/query, "Query params must include one of conversationId, evaluatorUserId, agentUserId or assigneeUserId." There is no way to just get all evaluations completed on a specific form or date range without providing one of the required parameters. You can request new features and share your use case at https://genesyscloud.ideas.aha.io/.

Thanks Tim

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