Queue Performace Report | Average handle time

Hi Team,

We have tried to get the average handle time value from Workspace in queue performance for particular interval. we got the below response.

To fetch average handle time, we have tried using the below API for the same interval. handle count value was same for both api and ui(Queue performance). For average handle time value we calculated using this formula Avg handle = sum value(millisecond) 8486361 converted to (141.43) minutes. after converting to minutes(141.43/97) divide by count value. we got value as 1m 45s.

Avg Handle value From UI is 1m 27s, but from API it is 1m 45s. both the values are mismatching.

Api url : /api/v2/analytics/conversations/aggregates/query

Kindly clarify whether the formula used is correct or not?


rounddown( ( 8486361 / 97 ) / 1000, 0) = 87 = 1m27s

Thanks a lot for your support @Eos_Rios .